“[Contemplation] comes as a medicine to a church culture obsessed with trends, efficiency, techniques, and bullet-point results.”
contemplation as medicine. i like that.

tonight we gave a dose, albeit a small one, of this medicine to our youth. it's funny how easy it is for me to forget that contemplation, slowing down, creating a quiet, slower-paced space WORKS. now, when i say it "works," i'm not suggesting this as a formula, but that this is something we are all hungering for. we are hungering for moments where we can present with God and others, free from distractions. we are sick. the things we spend our time doing - the frantic pace of life - are making us sick. we need spiritual medication.

so tonight we practiced Lectio Divina, sacred reading. it was slow. we dimmed the lights. we lit candles. we read Mark 1:1-8, 14-15. we sang music from the Taize community. students and leaders connected with God.
i was reminded of how much of my life is spent in front of screens - TV, computer, iPhone. screens. visually trying to process all this data, but not taking enough of it in to justify the time i spend in front of screens.
so instead, tonight we listened. we listened to the Word. we listened to God. we believed that God would speak to us through his Word, for in Hebrews the Bible is described as "living and active."
how can you slow down? how can you make sure you get a dose of this medication?
have you had similar experiences with young people? what other creative ideas are out there for introducing the medicine of contemplative worship to students?
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