
My Bible Reading Scheme...Buddying Up With the Bible

i've recently started another round of a "read through the Bible in a year." this time i'm joined by my small group [which includes my lovely wife], and hopefully some youth from our church. to all you youth who read this and take on the challenge: YOU ARE AWESOME!

i'm hoping that this time around i can create a space for discussion and interaction with the text. as we read and encounter the text together, i invite you to share you insights, questions, and places where you are flat out stuck.

my own posts will not be a commentary or exhaustive by any means. i will be posting what i read and what stood out in my reading. i hope you feel encouraged to share and interact, and i sincerely hope i can stick with posting on an almost daily basis!

when it comes to reading the Bible, we desperately need each other. the Bible is an historic, communal, and living text. we would do well to treat it as such! please join us...

if you need a copy of the "read the Bible in a year" plan, follow the links. we have chosen to read the text Genesis-Revelation rather than a bit of Old and New Testament simultaneously...

may we encounter the Lord together as we enter into his Word. and may we allow ourselves to be changed by the text.

as Johann Arndt wrote in True Christianity,
"God did not reveal his Holy Scriptures so that they might externally on paper remain a dead letter, but that they might become living in us in spirit and faith and that a completely new man might arise. If this does not occur, the scriptures are of no use to us."

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